Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Glow of the Morning Sun

Welcome, welcome to my library today.

The morning sun shines low in the sky creating long, dark shadows in my grotto. It streaks through the tree branches and forms a bright spotlight on the trunks of white paper birch trees. Brilliant sunlight causes three white trunks to glow in the darkness. This scene reminds me of a dazzling reality Peter, James and John experienced centuries ago. 

A red twig dogwood bush also glows this morning. In spring and summer, tiny leaves and insignificant flowers are not worth mentioning, but now naked and bare, red twigs glow in the sunlight. Remember our Sunday School chorus, “Sunlight, Sunlight in My Soul Today”?

Have you ever seen a huge number of little birds fly in formation? They don't fly in a “V” as geese do, but thousands of them fly in a sheet. In a split second, they all turn left, then turn right. I question who blows the whistle to signal time to turn. They don't come here to perform, but I've seen them several times flying over fields along I-5. They are so fascinating to watch, but they take flight in a flash with no time to take a picture. I searched the Internet for a picture of this fascinating display to show you, but none could be found.

I hope your day is full of sunshine, inside and out.

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