Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Redhead Comes to Visit

Good morning, nature lovers!

He decorated our holly tree, but I never caught him at work. Isn't the design intriguing? So precise, too! This pattern appears strange work for a woodpecker since they drill holes, so who is guilty of making rows of squares?

I barely contained my excitement this week when I finally saw him near the path to the old barn. Wow! He can peck fast and move quickly around the tree, making it difficult to take a satisfactory picture. He wasn't in the mood for posing. He preferred dining on holly sap.

Patience paid off. After a zillion clicks, I managed to capture a few clear shots of this amazing bird for you to enjoy.

Yesterday, I was in the library when our bird flew into the large picture window. Wham! Scared me and him too, I imagined. I opened the window to get a better look and there he lay on the ground, not moving. I feared that he broke his little neck. This usually happens when birds try to come in without asking me to open the window first. I quickly called my husband and we both stared down at him and exclaimed together, “ Ohhh”! 

We were so sad! My new discovery looked dead.

We decided to go outside for a closer look. The bird's eyes were open and I noticed he blinked, so Craig gently picked him up. He didn't struggle, probably nursing a headache. What a colorful red-breasted sapsucker! Craig held him and I stroked him.

We enjoyed talking to him for a few minutes, then the bird appeared ready to fly away, pooping as he went.

“ But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. . . .”    Isaiah 40:31

Let's soar together!

Happy birthday, Susan!

Your friend and bird watcher, Juanita

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