Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bogs and Creeks

      Good morning! After two cups of tea, I thought of something to say.

      A creek and a pond provides more areas for landscaping. Experience has made us a so-called expert. We have volumes of free advice if you want to tackle another project. We enjoy four bogs in our seventy-foot long creek. Our pond holds 6,000 gallons of water, eight beautiful koi, and too-many-to-count gold fish plus those little black fish that eat mosquitoes. The pond contains a variety of plants also.

      Are you tired yet? Actually, there is less work in water than in dirt gardens. Today, I'm excited to show you two flowering plants in our bog.

Chinese Iris
Happy Anniversary! Barb and Hal
Happy Birthday, Barb!
Belated Birthday wishes to Corlyss!

Love ya all, Juanita

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