Saturday, January 3, 2015

Book Review

Do you enjoy reading high adventure in a fantasy world?  If you do, you will enjoy a new book that is available now at www.

Here is my professional review of Thomas Locke's new book:

Emissary by Thomas Locke is high adventure in a strange world where evil wars against people of the realm. Unknown power sources are everywhere. The author writes with great description and has talent to describe the abnormal as common. A very complex story of mystery and intrigue. Without a glossary of terms in the book, the reader must stay alert to the many types of beings and creatures in the realm and their histories.
The book kept my attention with my mind dwelling on the plot during the day. I normally don't read fantasy, but I'm hooked and look forward to the next book in the series.
Rating:**** stars. It's a book a person would enjoy reading the second time to further understand the plot.

 I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell in exchange for my honest review.

Juanita Paslay