Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Question

Who am I?” The young and the older struggle with this question. At birth, we received no road map of our life; neither curves nor challenges were revealed to us in advance. The identity battle begins in grade school, continuing on through college, career and beyond. Only time and dedication to our God unveils our true identity; the discovery requires a slow, but rewarding, process of committing our ways to the Lord's design.
I'm blessed with a strong Christian heritage which included pastors and missionaries in my family tree. But all their influence did not make me who I am today. I needed to make my own decision to follow the Lord.

Jesus invited Peter to follow him, but Peter had to make the choice to lay down his fishing net, take up his own particular cross and follow Jesus to the end of his earthly road.

Father, I'm blessed to be a part of the body of Christ. Thank You for the invitation to follow and serve You. You guided my steps through the years, making my life more than exciting. I confidently commit every chapter of my life to Your will.

For we are God's masterpiece. 
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10 NLT


Friday, January 10, 2014

Up, Up and Away

The yellow china teapot holds a few more servings. Join me with my second cup. If you had arrived earlier, together we could have observed a couple mourning doves. I call them moaning doves. They sing such a sad song, don't you agree?

A pair of Eurasian collared doves flew into our red horse chestnut tree. They're not aggressive like blue jays. The doves sat patiently on a branch above the bird feeder, waiting their turn at the seeds my husband provides for bird treats. The doves feasted on their meal, then spread their wide white wings, flew up, and then away to a tall fir tree. I enjoy watching their unusual drift straight up, takeoff flight. If they had stayed longer, I'd have a picture to show you. Actually, I wasn't thinking quick enough. The hour is kind of early in the day.

As I read Matthew 6 this morning, I discovered our Lord's favorite flower. He said field lilies were more beautiful than all of Solomon's glory of gold, fabrics and wisdom. My calendar shows it's too early to anticipate spring flowers. But thinking about them doesn't hurt, even if my husband does say I think too much.

Spring waits around the next corner! My dahlias say so. One inch of stem shows above the ground right now.

Happy Birthday to Jeannine and Shirley!
