There are signs around town that say, “2010 – the Year of the Duck”. We Oregonians are certainly proud of the U of O ducks. Didn't they have a great season?
But as I look out my library window now, I tend to say, “It is the Year of the Moss once again.” It seems there is moss on almost everything I see. It is on tree branches, dirt, cement, bricks, bushes and most certainly the lawn. Remember the saying, “a rolling stone gathers no moss”? I bet that is not true in the Willamette Valley.
I wish you could see our long driveway now. It is 1/10 of a mile long and is bright lime green – the beautiful color of moss. The European hornbeam trees down both sides of the driveway are now void of any leaves. The yellow leaves lay on the ground. The naked branches and the green, moss-covered blacktop make a vivid contrast. The neighbor man across the street tells me people stop and take pictures of our driveway in the summer. The trees do make a beautiful scene. They are fifteen years old now and are almost holding hands with each other across the driveway. I wonder if those same people take pictures of our driveway in the winter. I take pictures summer and winter.
Someday I want to paint the seasons of the driveway. I'm not a trained artist, but I still love to paint. Before I start, I ask the Lord to help me create a picture I will enjoy. He is the Great Creator, so who is better to ask for help than Him? I have painted several pictures for my garden. Someday I'll tell you more about them. Today, my friend Jody gave me an idea for a picture to go with my sun ~ a quarter moon! I have just the place for it on the barn wall. Now if spring would just hurry!
Let's talk next week...