Saturday, May 21, 2011


Weather report:  Bright blue sky.  Only a few puffy white clouds to be seen from my library window. I want you to see what I see this morning. My favorite trees are blooming: red horse chestnut and the pink and white dogwoods. 

Note: Horse chestnuts are poisonous to humans, but you can buy the powder in capsules for your good health. Now explain that! Our brown tree squirrels love to gather the nuts in the fall. The busy little animals have a long lunch because the round conkers are so huge.

Blue forget-me-knots under the window are glowing! They are new to my garden and so easy to maintain. Actually, they do a good job on their own.

My view today is beautiful, but that is not true for everyone. I'm concerned for those living along the Mississippi River who are suffering from the flood waters. Let's be thankful for our blessings and give generously to worthy charities. Have you ever given until it hurts? I haven't. Heart examination time!

“Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips.” This was King David's prayer and mine too.

Lord willing, we will talk again next week.
