The one-man jury
(actually a woman, myself to be exact) determined the inconceivable
crime was not committed by a mere human. I'll admit that people are
the usual culprit in a robbery case; but in my opinion,
circumstantial evidence against the masked bandit appears
The same night the
overhead electrical cord disappeared from the apple trees leading to
the glass greenhouse, we were awaken in the wee hours of the morning
by a loud metal bang. It's the same sleep-shattering noise heard when
the coon cage door is tripped and slams shut.
The exact timeline
is still to be determined to tell how the cord was successfully
unplugged at both ends. Picture this: The cord ran from an outside
outlet under our bedroom window, through branches of several trees,
up the seven-foot-high wall of the green house, through the roof area, then down to the
heat lamps inside keeping my geraniums alive. I know that is a long
sentence, but it was a long cord – seventy-five feet.
The door to the
green house was closed, but there is a doggy door for an easy access
and quick escape. One final question for the accused: which plug end
did your little hands disconnect first?
I read his mind and
discovered his thought process. Even though the cage was resting near
the electrical outlet, he decided to relocate the cord first. Then
return to the cage to investigate the shiny foil bait illuminated in
the light of the motion sensor.
My closing argument:
If a neighbor kid removed the bright orange line from the trees used
as temporary power poles, he would have taken the item home to Mama.
But upon searching the property for clues, I discovered the stolen
object in question one hundred feet away from the green house, laying
in a straight line as if dragged to a new home.
Let me remind you
that if both ends were plugged in at the new site, I would suspect a
different thief. Friends, I rest my case.
My judge is not
convinced of this jury's decision, but the man of the house still
administered the usual punishment for getting caught.
Don't ask!
Happy Birthday, Tall
Tom !
Happy Birthday, Ken
W. !
Happy Birthday,
Jewel !
Happy Birthday, Iona
Happy Birthday,
Georgia !
Happy Birthday, Colleen !
Happy Birthday, Brad !
A great week for a
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