Monday, July 1, 2013

Firecrackers and Sparklers

“The British are coming! The British are coming!” At least it sounds like it. Rockets blasting, shots cracking in the dark. I'm sure the dogs shake with fear and run away to hide. I'm trying to sleep. The approaching holiday and celebration starts early in our neighborhood and lingers for a week. The noise of firecrackers and rockets sound loud and clear in the still night air, especially when the windows are open on these warm evenings.

Why do neighbors set off fireworks at eleven o'clock in the night? Maybe that was the time Paul Revere mounted his horse and shouted his warning. If you really want to know, I challenge you to Google search Mr. Revere. If you are a history lover, you will find the events very interesting. For me, it's been a long time since junior high history class.

I wish you a great summer doing what you love to do. I'll be on my knees in the garden; or standing in front of my easel; or writing more short stories. Probably all three!

God bless you, God bless America! Enjoy the Fourth!

