Good morning to you, my
Is 100% the same
expression as a sure thing? A perfect number? A guarantee?
Checking the on-line
weather prediction has become my early morning habit. The report
tells me if I'll get wet working in the yard that day. Tomorrow shows
an amazing figure, one I don't recall ever seeing. Rain is
100% tomorrow here in the valley. I wonder if it will rain all
day or maybe it means rain is guaranteed at least for five minutes.
One thing for sure: no yard work tomorrow. So guess what I'm doing
today. Yard work and fall clean-up.
When we returned home from
a nine-day trip recently, autumn had visited us at 100%. Enjoy the scene
as we drove in the driveway.
What else comes to your
mind when you hear 100%?
Forget the stock market!
This week an airline pilot
announced, “We are going down!” He sounded definite, 100% sure.
People were calling their loved ones and telling them goodbye. I
wonder how many prayed and repented of their sins?
I, for one, would have
been extremely excited, then disappointed when the plane landed
safely. Imagine the joy believing you would see Jesus in five
minutes! I would have been sitting on the edge of my seat—ready,
set, go!
God's amazing 100%
“For God
so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son,
His only begotten Son,
that whoever
believes in Him should not perish
but have
everlasting life.” John 3:16 NKJV
Happy Birthday:
Tall Tom, Ken, Jewel, Iona, Georgia, Colleen and Brad!
Happy 50th
Anniversary: Ted and Jeannette Carper
Love, Juanita
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