to my library!
Please join
me in a hot drink. Mine: cinnamon sticks in hot milk. I hope you
brought biscotti. A perfect day to retire to my library. You measure
taller than I (most everyone does) so you may recline in Craig's
larger rocker. It takes more energy to rock when my feet don't reach
the floor.
ask, “Where's Craig?” He's in the hot tub with an inch of snow on
his bald head. Actually, he's wearing a hat.
is for the birds! All the birds—western scrub jay, steller's jay,
dark-eyed junco (I called them my hooded bandits), doves, northern
flicker, and varied thrush—came for breakfast.
we weren't retired,
(blessing #84) do you think we'd be sitting here? No, we'd be
slipping and sliding through snow on our way to work. But instead, we
enjoy each others company while our feathered friends entertain us
and snow flakes float down from the thick gray sky above.
those of you not retired yet: You Are Going To Love It! Then
you can write a
silly blog, too.
Anniversary, Clyde & Margaret !
Birthday, Maria and CJ !
Birthday, Dear Sister !
ya all,
“To write with
a broken pencil is pointless.”