Sunday, November 16, 2014

The View

This is the view from my library window this morning.

Deep red burning bush,
Nine-foot tall Royal Pageant roses,
Lawn white with frost,
Cedar fence,
Magnolia tree dropping leaves
in the breeze like falling snow,
Red-orange twig dogwood bush
glowing in the sun,
Blueberry bushes dressed in fall colors,
Naked red horse chestnut tree revealing its
heavy coat of moss,
Bright green park bench,
Running brown tree squirrels,
Birds looking for breakfast:
northern flicker,
western scrub-jay,
steller's jay,
spotted towhee,
Round thermometer reads 27 degrees,
Golden cedar trees,
Green fir trees,
White birch trees in a cluster
glowing in the sun,
Narnia-type lamp post,
And so much more!

Of all I see today, the most impressive is God's azure sky, so clear, so cloud-free. It seems to go on forever. Don't you love the view from a 747?

Now you know why I love the view from my library window.

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