Good morning! It is strong tea time!
This is a hard morning to focus on anything because I am so sleepy! One morning a week, I rise way, way before dawn to attend Toastmasters International. It is worth every minute; it is fun and very challenging for me. But right now, sitting in my library, I cannot focus on my favorite book or the beautiful sights from my library window.
The warm sunshine is streaming through the black pine tree branches and making bright yellow streaks on the lawn. I see all this beauty and I still want to go back to bed. But from past experience, I know as soon as I lay my head on the pillow, I will start thinking. (My husband says I think too much.) So instead, I will talk to you and enjoy your company. I see there is not one Steller's jay bird looking for breakfast this morning. I like to watch them hop. There was one brown tree squirrel, but he, too, has disappeared. Probably going somewhere else to play. It is a real quiet world outside my window this morning. At times like this, it is good to remember, “Be still and know that I am God.” Quiet times are good. Visiting with old and new friends is good too. If you are thinking of someone right now, why not make a note and call them today? You will both be glad you did.
Spring is coming! I see my yellow daffodils are up two inches!
Here's wishing you a quiet weekend. I'm glad you stopped by for a visit. See you next weekend!
Here's wishing you a quiet weekend. I'm glad you stopped by for a visit. See you next weekend!