Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Delight of Decorating

Joy to the World, the Lord has come! And He is coming again! An exclamation point is the symbol for an emotional or powerful statement. I shout the words again - Joy to the World!

The joy of decorating for Christmas lasts all day or, for a few of us, all week. Do you have a garage full of decorations as my friend, Jewel does? The shelves in our guest bedroom hold many boxes filled with décor, plus the overflow hides in the barn. Thank the Lord for barns!

Use this time to reminisce about the people who gave you special decorations. My family and friends gave me awesome treasures that I display every year ~ a giant snow globe from Brad and Dawnita, a large wire angel from Trudy, a glass Christmas tree from Aunt Mildred.

Mother gave me an angel dressed in white fir. It now looks suspended over the Christmas tree in the dining room. My cousin, Roberta, gave me several pen and ink Christmas drawings that she drew. I'll find more gems today as I continue unpacking boxes.

The view after dark from my library window is a gorgeous site: three multicolored, glowing Christmas trees, one for each of the famous wise men who brought Jesus expensive gifts that night so long ago. 
Looking for joy? Give three gifts to the needy in Jesus' name.

Feeling stressed from your many holiday plans? Sit and rest awhile with me. I will pour us a cup of Lady Grey tea.

“God bless us, every one.” ~ Tiny Tim
Merry Christmas! ~ Juanita
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