Early this damp morning, I am watching them soar in the air. Seemingly with no effort on their part, they float one way, then the other way, rising higher with the current. They appear so graceful, so confident in their surroundings. Eagles and hawks encourage me not to get caught in the downdrafts of life, but to rise calmly, with faith, above our unwanted circumstances.
Wow! Doesn't that sound profound?
Are you in a downdraft of discouragement today, especially when life doesn't happen as you plan?
The writings of Isaiah are full of advice and encouragement. My most favorite lines read: “Those who trust in the Lord, will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
Are you ready to soar and run and walk with me? The sun is out and the Son is with us!
I renewed my commitment to exercise at the Oakway Spa three times a week. You paid for a permanent membership, so no more excuses, Juanita.
I have a good medical report to share with those of you who know I had bladder cancer a couple years ago. It had returned several times, but today during my quarterly exam, there was no cancer to be found. I'm very thankful.
Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. Remember the more than one million men and women who gave their lives in service to our country and those who continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.
Happy Birthday, Leela !
Sincerely, Juanita
Comments: email folks7777@gmail.com or click pencil below.