Saturday, September 22, 2012

A New Feathered Friend

Welcome to my library and welcome to Autumn!

He made my day! I listened to his singing all week, but never saw him until today. My tea cup was empty and I was talking to the Lord when he landed in front of my library window. He was “up close and personal”. He flew off several times, spreading his eye-catching, short white tail feathers as he went vertical. (Just like on Touched by an Angel program) His graceful flight held my attention until he disappeared out of sight. Once he landed on the metal fence post near my nine-foot rose bushes. On the ground, he tried persistently to pick up the end of the fishing line I had tied to the fence posts to discourage the deer from eating my rose buds.

I have five different doves in my bird book, but only one, the morning dove, lives in Oregon. This bird with the black neck collar was NOT in my book. Another piece of exciting news! I learned from the Internet this bird is the Eurasian collared-dove. Now you bird lovers know two different doves live in Oregon.

When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John, the Holy Spirit in the form a gentle dove hovered over Jesus. Picture Jesus soaking wet, hair dripping, clothes clinging. I image the dove sat on his shoulder, then spread his white tail feathers and flew straight up as mine did today.
I love to listen to their sad song “ooahoo oo oo oo”. (Try to say that four times fast!) I believe they are sad because they remember their relatives' sacrifice on the altar in Jerusalem centuries ago.

Proverb for Your Week:

Proverbs 10:19 NLT
       “Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.”

If I knew your birth date, I would send you best wishes. Do you want to share it with me?

Love, Juanita